Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Last Day 2012: What are you reading?

Considering the holiday last week, I don't think I did too bad on my reading. Two out of five isn't too bad. Of course, as I went through my emails, I found new review requests waiting for me. So my list is ever-expanding. That's what I love about reading for reviews, it opens my reading horizons so much, its amazing. I get to read all of these wonderful books that I would have never been exposed to otherwise.
So thank all of you wonderful authors and publishers that contact me to review. I truly love taking the time to read your books!
This week's list:

  1. The Moon Dwellers by David Estes: This one has been on my list for awhile and I feel guilty about not having the time to have read it sooner. 
  2. Dirty God: Jesus in the Trenches by Johnnie Moore (from Book Sneeze, I'm sure they're impatiently waiting for this review)
  3. The Insurgent's Journal by Don A Martinez
  4.  Medusa's Desire by EB Black
  5. The Lady of Chains and Other Stories by V. Shaw
  6. The Lamp by Stephanie Jackson

1 comment:

  1. OOh these are new to me! Hope you get some reading done this week too! My reading has been poor too due to the holidays and looks like it won't be so hot again this week!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
